The times I bought a foundation just to bring it home and then discover it was too dark for me….too many. Not only is it difficult to find the correct undertone, the shades can be confusing to. You bring a foundation home. You put it on your face in a badly lit bathroom. Then come outside, sit in the car, look in the mirror. THE HORROR your face is orange, ow and there are some eyebrows that need plucking. But today we are focusing on foundation.
In Slovenia it is very difficult to find a shade that would match me, or that is even close to matching me. You would think that the lightest shade would do, but no they don’t even sell the lightest shade a company makes. I often have to buy foundations online, or abroad where they have a larger shade range. What’s interesting is that in the Netherlands, where I live now, the shades available are more or less the same as in Slovenia. Whereas in the UK you can acctualy find some that are suited for us snowflakes.

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