How to get GREY, SILVER hair?

I have been dying my hair for many years and I went from black to blonde, pink, red, blue, brown, I did most of it at home because I am slightly afraid of hairdressers, but I also love to experiment, and it’s much cheaper to do it yourself when you want a new color every few weeks. I am by no means a professional…. in anything, and I would advise you to visit one, if you are thinking about a drastic change to your hair or if you are really attached to it. I’m definitely not overly attached to my hair, considering what I’ve put it through! This post is for anyone that is going to ignore the voices of reason telling them: GO TO A PROFFESIONAL! DO NOT DO IT YOURSELF! YOUR HAIR WILL FALL OUT! That all might be true but I know you, and you need to see for yourself don’t you?  So I will try and help by explaining how I got this awesome gray/silver hair, by using a toner.

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